
国际顶刊 |《欧洲政治理论杂志》2021年第1期

政治学人 政治学人 2022-07-01













  1. The two faces of personhood: Hobbes, corporate agency and the personality of the state


  2. The veil of philanthropy: Kant on the political benefits of dissimulation and simulation


  3. The natural duty of justice in non-ideal circumstances: On the moral demands of institution building and reform


  4. Pierre Clastres as comparative political theorist: The democratic potential of the new political anthropology


  5. New territorial rights for sinking island states


  6. Costs of refugee admission and the ethics of extraterritorial protection


  7. The ethics of commercial human smuggling


  8. Civil disobedience, and what else? Making space for uncivil forms of resistance




01 人格性的两张面孔:霍布斯、公司代理人与国家的人格 


The two faces of personhood: Hobbes, corporate agency and the personality of the state


Sean Fleming

University of Cambridge, UK



There is an important but underappreciated ambiguity in Hobbes’ concept of personhood. In one sense, persons are representatives or actors. In the other sense, persons are representees or characters. An estate agent is a person in the first sense; her client is a person in the second. This ambiguity is crucial for understanding Hobbes’ claim that the state is a person. Most scholars follow the first sense of ‘person’, which suggests that the state is a kind of actor – in modern terms, a ‘corporate agent’. I argue that Hobbes’ state is a person only in the second sense: a character rather than an actor. If there are any primitive corporate agents in Hobbes’ political thought, they are representative assemblies, not states or corporations. Contemporary political theorists and philosophers tend to miss what is unique and valuable about Hobbes’ idea of state personality because they project the idea of corporate agency onto it.

02  人类之爱的面纱:康德论作伪与虚饰之于政治的好处 


The veil of philanthropy: Kant on the political benefits of dissimulation and simulation


Jeffrey Church

University of Houston, USA



Kant has traditionally been read as an excessively moralistic critic of lying in his ethics and politics. In response, recent scholars have noted that for Kant we have an ethical duty not to be completely candid, but rather we should practice reticence and simulate virtues even when we do not have them. This article argues that Kant extends the value of dissimulation and simulation beyond the interpersonal to society and politics. By examining three examples – politeness and decorum in society, and the veiled relationships between the rich and the poor and between government and the people in politics – this article further challenges the received reading of Kant as a defender of truth at all costs and reveals him to be much more attentive to the need for pretense, reserve, and appearance than is commonly understood.

03 非理想情境下正义的自然义务:论体制建设与改革的道德诉求


The natural duty of justice in non-ideal circumstances: On the moral demands of institution building and reform


Laura Valentini

London School of Economics, UK



Principles of distributive justice bind macro-level institutional agents, like the state. But what does justice require in non-ideal circumstances, where institutional agents are unjust or do not exist in the first place? Many answer by invoking Rawls’s natural duty ‘to further just arrangements not yet established’, treating it as a ‘normative bridge’ between institutional demands of distributive justice and individual responsibilities in non-ideal circumstances. I argue that this response strategy is unsuccessful. I show that the more unjust the status quo is due to non-compliance, the less demanding the natural duty of justice becomes. I conclude that, in non-ideal circumstances, the bulk of the normative work is done by another natural duty: that of beneficence. This conclusion has significant implications for how we conceptualize our political responsibilities in non-ideal circumstances, and cautions us against the tendency – common in contemporary political theory – to answer all high-stakes normative questions under the rubric of justice.

04  作为比较政治理论家的皮埃尔·克拉斯特雷斯:新政治人类学的民主潜能


Pierre Clastres as comparative political theorist: The democratic potential of the new political anthropology


Christopher Holman

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


在比较政治理论这一子领域的新潮下,本文研究了皮埃尔·克拉斯特雷斯(Pierre Clastres)的政治人类学著作。具体而言,文章认为,克拉斯特雷斯对各种亚马逊社会的政治哲学的重构,为接触所谓“西方社会”之历史外部的文本及传统提供了另一种模式。克拉斯特雷斯拒斥一切朝向总体化的——例如,体现在建立一种旨在实现相互理解的跨文化交流模式的对话潜力的主张里的——冲动:他呼吁关注社会形态根本的、社会—历史的相异性。对此种相异性的认识不但扩大了比较政治思想的视野,使之与那些抵制被西方对话同化的固有传统接触,而且揭示了一种以政治创造力为本的不定的民主潜能。

This article examines the political anthropological work of Pierre Clastres in light of the emergence of the subfield of comparative political theory. In particular, it argues that Clastres’ reconstruction of the political philosophy of various Amazonian societies offers an alternative model for the engagement with texts and traditions external to the history of so-called Western societies. Rejecting all impulses toward totalization – as represented, for example, in the assertion of a dialogical potential for establishing modes of intercultural exchange aimed at achieving mutual understanding – Clastres calls attention to the radical social-historical alterity of forms of society. Appreciation of this alterity not only enlarges the scope of comparative political thought to engage inherited traditions that resist assimilation into Western conversations, but also reveals an indeterminate democratic potential grounded in political creativity.

05  沉没中岛国的新领土权利


New territorial rights for sinking island states


Kim Angell

Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway



Anthropogenic climate change is an existential threat to the people of sinking island states. When their territories inevitably disappear, what, if anything, do the world’s remaining territorial states owe them? According to a prominent ‘nationalist’ approach to territorial rights – which distributes such rights according to the patterns of attachment resulting from people’s incorporation of particular territories into their ways of life – the islanders are merely entitled to immigrate, not to reestablish territorial sovereignty. Even GHG-emitting collectives have no reparative duty to cede territory, as the costs of upsetting their territorial attachments are unreasonable to impose, even on wrongdoers. As long as they allow climate refugees to immigrate, receiving countries have done their duty, or so the nationalist argues. In this article, I demonstrate that the nationalist’s alleged distributive equilibrium is unstable. When the islanders lay claim to new territory, responsible collectives have a duty to modify their way of life – gradually downsizing their territorial attachments – such that the islanders, in time, may receive a new suitable territory. Importantly, by deriving this duty from the nationalist’s own moral commitments, I discard the traditional assumption that nationalist premises imply a restrictive view on what we owe climate refugees.

06  接纳难民的负担与域外保护的伦理  


Costs of refugee admission and the ethics of extraterritorial protection


Clara Sandelind

Department of Political Science, University of Sheffield, UK The ethics of commercial human smuggling



Many affluent states seek to discharge their responsibilities to refugees through extraterritorial policies, which limit the number of refugees that they admit whilst contributing to protection in a third country. Is this morally permissible? I argue that under non-ideal circumstances, where states’ non-compliance with their duties to refugees are persistent, such policies can be permissible. However, extraterritorial protection must satisfy two conditions. First, it must come about through bilateral or multilateral agreements. Second, the protection provided must allow for full integration in a new society. I argue that the lower the costs a state bears for admitting refugees to its territory, the higher its contribution to extraterritorial protection must be. This notion of costs is illustrated by exemplifying how refugee admission may impose costs to the self-determination and equality of the hosting state.

07  商业性人口走私的伦理


Civil disobedience, and what else? Making space for uncivil forms of resistance


Julian F. Müller

Political Theory Project, Brown University, USA



Even though human smuggling is one of the central topics of contention in the political discourse about immigration, it has received virtually no attention from moral philosophy. This article aims to fill this gap and provide a moral analysis of commercial human smuggling. The article accomplishes this by analyzing whether the moral outrage against human smugglers during the European refugee crisis can be justified. To do this, the article first analyzes whether (commercial) human smuggling is inherently wrong. Answering this question in the negative, this article then asks whether the wholesale condemnation of human smuggling in the European case can nevertheless be justified by recourse to a nation-state’s purported right to political self-determination.

08  公民反抗之外?为非公民式抵抗留出空间


Costs of refugee admission and the ethics of extraterritorial protection


Erin R. Pineda

Professor of Government, Smith College, USA


长期以来,研究政治义务的理论家格外关注公民反抗,将其作为哲学分析的对象,并将其作为法律约束力的例外状况。然而,这些对公民反抗的关注,都让非公民性反抗相对缺乏理论化。面对系统性不公,还有哪些其他形式的反抗是合理,甚至是必要的?Candice Delmas的著作《A Duty to Resist: When Disobedience Should Be Uncivil》有力论证了反抗的义务是必要的,而履行这一义务时,可能需要超越公民反抗的形式,采取含糊的、令人震惊的、暴力的,或其他被认为是“非公民的”行动。以近期的学术成果和丰富的实例为基础,Delmas用政治哲学家通常用以捍卫守法义务的原则捍卫反抗义务:自然的正义义务、公平竞争的原则、救他人于危的撒玛利亚式职责,以及成员身份所带来的职责。但是,为了给非公民形式的反抗留有空间,我认为,讽刺的是,Delmas实际上掏空了公民抗命这一概念,将其过度地与礼节结合,并将其与非交际性的反抗区别开来。尽管如此,《反抗的义务》还是对关于异议和反抗的研究,做出了极好且急需的贡献

Theorists of political obligation have long devoted special attention to civil disobedience, establishing its pride of place as an object of philosophical analysis, and as one of a short list of exceptions to an otherwise binding obligation to obey the law. Yet all of this attention to civil disobedience has left the broader terrain of resistance to injustice relatively under-theorized. What other forms of action are justifiable – even required – in the face of systemic injustice? Candice Delmas’ A Duty to Resist: When Disobedience Should Be Uncivil offers an original and powerful defense of the idea that we have a duty to resist, and that carrying out this duty may sometimes require going beyond civil disobedience – engaging in forms of action that are evasive, shocking, violent, or otherwise deemed “uncivil.” Building on a wealth of recent scholarship and a rich set of examples, Delmas grounds the duty to resist in the same principles that political philosophers routinely use to defend an obligation to obey the law: the natural duty of justice, the principle of fair play, Samaritan duties to rescue others from peril, and the associative duties of membership. In making room for uncivil forms of dissent, however, I contend that Delmas ironically hollows out the category of civil disobedience, wedding it too tightly to a principle of decorum, and isolating it from protest that exceeds the boundaries of the communicative. Nevertheless, A Duty to Resist is an excellent – and much needed – contribution to the literature on dissent and disobedience.

翻  译:李若昱 刘博涵

校  对:李若昱 刘博涵


国际顶刊 | 《欧洲政治理论杂志》2020年第4期

国际顶刊 |《比较政治研究》2021年第1-2期



二审:袁    丁


